LDJ10 Call for Editors and Themes

Call for Editors and Themes for Issue 10 of the Learner Development Journal

Deadline: July 21st 2024

We invite a new team of editors to propose a theme for Issue 10 of The Learner Development Journal (https://ldjournal.ld-sig.org) for publication in November/December 2026. (To find out about previous issues of the LDJ as well as current issues in progress, please see https://ldjournal.ld-sig.org/issues/.) 

Each issue of the LDJ is led and edited by a different team of editors who first create a proposal on a particular learner development theme, then, once accepted, put out a Call for Proposals so as to bring together a group of contributors with shared interests in exploring that theme together over 12-18 months. This Community of Practices approach allows plenty of time and reflective space for developing inquiries and writing together.

Some possible themes to do with learner development include:  

  •  assessment-autonomy issues
  •  content-based learning
  •  critical literacy and social justice
  •  digital tools and digital literacy
  •  fully inclusive practitioner research
  •  learner agency and autonomy
  •  learner diversity, equity, and inclusion
  •  learning advising and counselling
  •  social and emotional learning
  •  student use of technology and AI
  •  translanguaging 
  •  …

If you feel one of those themes is close to you and would be interesting to explore with others, please do get in touch. Feel free to suggest your own learner development themes, too. Thank you.

For full details and guidelines about putting together a proposal, see  https://ldjournal.ld-sig.org/guidelines-for-editors

We would love to hear from you by July 21st 2024 about your ideas for LDJ10, and if you have any questions or would like to check any details along the way, just email us at <ldjournaljsg@gmail.com> and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. 

Looking forward to hearing from you, and many thanks in advance,


Andy Barfield, Huw Davies, & Yuri Imamura (LDJ Steering Group)