Review Network
日本語版は下にあります。Japanese follows English.
June 2024
Once contributors’ texts have been developed through feedback and discussion between writers and editors, writers’ drafts are passed on to members of the LDJ Review Network for review. Here, writers have a choice of open peer review or blind peer review, through which LDJ reviewers aim to engage with writers in a collaborative process (guidelines here) to help them to develop their ideas rather than provide feedback in a traditional manner. The intention in either blind or open peer review is to offer serious, fair and, above all, supportive feedback to writers to help them to develop as teachers, researchers, and learners.
The Review Network consists of Learner Development SIG members who are both interested in learner development issues in second language education and experienced in providing constructive and supportive feedback to writers. In addition to a core group of individuals, reviewers from outside the SIG may be invited to join the Review Network for a particular issue of the journal. Membership of the Review Network changes periodically as new people become involved in providing feedback to writers.
レビュー・ネットワークは、第二言語教育における学習者ディベロップメントに関心を持ち、執筆者に建設的かつ支援的なフィードバックを提供する経験豊富な学習者ディベロプメント研究部会(Learner Development SIG)の会員から構成されています。中核となる個人のグループに加えて、部会以外の査読者も会誌の特集テーマによってレビュー・ネットワークに招待されることがあります。レビュー・ネットワークでは、新たな会員が執筆者にフィードバックを提供する活動に関わるよう定期的に会員が更新されます。
Mayumi Abe, Waseda University, Japan
Anita Aden, Mukogawa Women’s University, Japan
Tim Ashwell, Komazawa University, Japan
Paul Collett, Shimonoseki City University, Japan
Melodie Cook, University of Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Simla Course, Akdeniz University, Turkey
Nathan Ducker, Miyazaki Municipal University, Japan
Dominic G. Edsall, University College London, Institute of Education, UK, & Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan
Tomoko Hashimoto, Tokyo Future University, Japan
Chika Hayashi, Seikei University, Japan
Ellen Head, Miyazaki International College, Japan
Shu Hua Kao, Chihlee University of Technology, Taiwan
Yoshitaka Kato, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Japan
Jo Mynard, Kanda University of International Studies, Japan
Hugh Nicoll, Miyazaki Municipal University, Japan/freelance
Louise Ohashi, Gakushuin University, Japan
Jim Ronald, Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan
Colin Rundle, Soka University, Japan
Saki Suemori, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Akiko Takagi, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Katherine Thornton, Otemon Gakuin University, Japan
Layout and Design
October 2022 to date – LDJ layout and design: Ivan Lombardi
April 2024 – LDJ logo design: Huw Davies
Journal Steering Group
The Journal Steering Group consists of a minimum of three members of the Learner Development SIG committee who monitor the practice, process, and production of each issue of the journal. Membership of the steering group changes periodically as new people become involved in running the journal. Currently the steering group also manages the LDJ website.
December 2023 to date: Andy Barfield, Huw Davies, Yuri Imamura