日本語版は下にあります。Japanese follows English.
After working with the editors and the other Issue authors to produce a first full draft, writers for The Learner Development Journal decide what kind of review they would like to have. They have a choice between blind peer review and open peer review, conducted by members of the Review Network and guest reviewers invited for the issue. Blind peer review may be required by some institutions, so writers may prefer to choose this type of review. In this case, writers and reviewers will not know each other’s identities and will not have direct communication with each other. The blind peer review process will be mediated by the editors. For open peer review, writers and reviewers will be introduced to each other and will be able to dialogue directly with each other in discussing the development of the writing. Open peer review aims to provide the conditions for mutual collaboration and voiced co-constructed development of authors’ texts. In the case of open review, reviewers’ names will be included at the end of a published article. The intention in either blind or open review is to offer serious, fair and, above all, supportive feedback to writers to help them to develop as teachers, researchers, and learners.